We are communicating all the time, with everyone around us. In office settings – meetings, discussions, 1-1 meetings, gossiping over coffee with colleagues.
Non-office settings – with family members, neighbors, unknown folks on the street, shopkeepers, etc.

We assume communication is only when we engage in “speaking” with someone. NOT.

You are communicating with everyone around you all the time. Because even if you are not speaking, people around you are getting some sort of message.

For example – If you choose to be quiet in important meetings, you are communicating to your colleagues/bosses that you are not adding value or you are not prepared/competent. Just imagine the impact when it happens in almost all important meetings, especially where key stakeholders are present who decide your next level in the organization.

Similarly, if you are accepting everything quietly at home without expressing your views, likes/dislikes, you are communicating to your family members that you are comfortable with everything around you. Just imagine the impact on you in the long run.

The important point here is that You are ALWAYS communicating, whether through your words, actions, body language, or quiet. People are always getting one or the other messages from this communication. So don’t leave it on others but take charge of your communications because –

You CANNOT NOT communicate!!!

Happy Communicating!!

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